MC23 | Words from victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. |
345 | Absolutely, Humanly, it cannot be forgiven. |
346 | Only if there hadn't been Genbaku(Atomic bombs), my children and husband wouldn't have died. |
347 | Human kind will die in devastation if we use them once more. |
348 | Atomic bombs take all different kinds of life away. |
349 | Such things must not be used again. |
350 | I would never take revenge by using an atomic bomb. |
351 | Opposing to atomic bombs are the voices of A-bomb victims themselves. |
352 | We shouldn't protect the nation |
353 | I will not think twice about choosing to be occupied. |
354 | It is we ourselves and no one else that suffer from wars. |
355 | Why don't we give up war in this world? |
356 | Defensive capabilities are absolutely necessary. |
357 | There should not be any more wars. But who can ever say there'll be none? |
358 | I want Japan to possess atomic bombs. |
359 | Our government and people are lacking in understanding and sympathy toward A-bomb victims. |
360 | Sometimes a horrible idea occurs to me. |
361 | Even if I take a rosy view, the odds would be even, which human beings can survive. |
362 | It's too absurd to talk about. |
363 | Japan soldier did all kinds of wrong as possible as they could. |
364 | We really went to stupid war. |
365 | Japan had attacked from the air; I realized the horrors of war. |
366 | We Shall Not Repeat the Evil. |
367 | We killed a lot of young on the battlefield. |
368 | I would want to be pilgrim and go to look for my daughter. |
369 | Two children of mine burned to death in flames. |
370 | The hardship has all causes by me. |
371 | If a nuclear war happens, it is the fate of God. |
372 | The A-bomb is a big hand out of God. |
373 | To awake the Christians in Urakami. |
374 | It feels like we have been burdened also with the guilt of the perpetrators. |
375 | That was the book I was quite impressed with. |
376 | I can't say for sure that I am happy to be alive. |
377 | I'd rather be reincarnated as a dog as long as I'm blessed with good health. |
378 | I was right to stop short of killing myself. |
379 | Substitute-Being-suffered (Daijyuku). |
380 | Did we fight for such things at that time? |
381 | I hope that they die who have knowledge about nuclear energy. |
382 | We have to revenge by achievement of peace. |
383 | Had I better hand down polluted blood? |
384 | A-bomb survivors must not escape from the fact of being bombed. |
385 | Parents, children and grandchildren -- three generations continue to carry on movement against atomic and hydrogen bombs. |
386 | It's necessary that the survivors should tell (about their experiences) to the whole world. |
387 | The experiences in Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been the most effective deterrent. |
388 | I hope we'll be the last survivors of the A-bombed. |
389 | The survivors of the A-bomb must appeal against the nuclear bombs. |
390 | In the case of an A-bomb victim, we say a fact. |
391 | The nuclear weapon is used someday. |
392 | Only A-bomb victim to do movement of prohibition. |
393 | Please make use of my story. |
394 | For world peace, it is an A-bomb victim that is value more than a diamond. |