I had nothing to set on fire. I think nothing is harder than that. I set fire to 'geta'(Japanese clogs), shoes and all things. We were not under the circumstances to complain of being insanitary.
The next day there left nothing to set on fire, so I, my neighbor and her daughter went to steal wood under cover of darkness. In the daytime we located the place, where wood was kept and we stole every night.
My friend's daughter was clever and tempted me, "Let's go." We went to the public bath, because wood was piled beside it. I tried to steal without noise, but I was so clumsy that wood fell down, making big noise. My friend's daughter said, "You're the poorest thief."
My friend was familiar with our neighborhood and sometimes got a big pillar, so we could put it on the fire. If I had not stolen wood, I would have nothing to set on fire.