I was worried that my younger brother didn't come back home, so I said to my burnt father, "Shall I look for him?" But he said to me, "Don't go. It's dangerous."
If he didn't tell me not to do at that time, I would go and die of be exposed to remaining radioactivity.
I had been worrying about my younger brother since then. I was always thinking about him. Just then, he appeared in my dream. I asked him, "Where and how are you?" He answered, "Brother, I died at a temple called RENSHOJI(buddhist temple) in Koi(place name). He told me even how the temple's name was expressed by Japanese Kanji character.
I was flustered and went to look for the temple. In fact, there was RENSHOJI in Koi. I was surprised. I asked the temple to pray for him.
I never believe any superstition, but......