I hoped to check with the hospital's doctor. Although the doctor came at the front door, anyway he said: "bring the patient to the door." But I was lying in bed. When the bed was toughed a little bit, my flesh was pinched in the born broken. I felt pain very much. I cannot be moved any more.
So my mother unable to control herself any longer, she said to the doctor: "Please come into the house without taking off your shoes." The doctor came into toe house, he saw me. Anyway "there are remedies for arms or legs fracture. But there are no ones for spinal born fracture" he said to her: "lay a tine futon on the board, you should keep her in bed."
At last I was kept in bed. The flesh which touched the bed began to rot. First, the rot began at the place born had broken, then sacrum began to rot, and then buttock, the swell of my hips did both. And not so much heels as this, one or two added, totally eight place of my flesh began to rot.
So I had me bring to the NISSEKI (Red Cross) Hospital with being on a stretcher, but, for the doctor there couldn't help doing nothing for me, well, he said: "I'll give you the medicine, please cure your illness at your house to take it."