There were a lot of corpses in the fire-devastated areas. They were all naked and the hair on their heads was burnt off. So I couldn't tell whether they were men or women. They didn't leave home naked. They became naked because their Kimonos were burnt off. My own daughter had a peculiar alignment of her front teeth. And she was very young so her pelvis was not strained. She was undergoing dental treatment for a back tooth that had decayed. So I took it as my guide and searched for her by opening the mouths of dead people.
Basically I'm timid, so I was really frightened to touch the dead bodies. However, in those days, it sounded so selfish that I was frightened. I was looking around the dead bodies randomly.
There were some people alive but I could do nothing. I was absorbed in finding my daughter as soon as possible. I wanted to find and bury her as quickly as possible. There were many dead people in the school ground of Shiroyama elementary school. I felt so sorry for them; however, I stepped over the corpses, turned them over and walked around opening their mouths.