I entered the ruins of a fire in Urakami area. I had known it much since my childhood. I used to visit Nagasaki Medical University.
I went there, and I found the place to change into a burnt field, as far as the eye could reach. Worst of all, I couldn't tell a road.
When I saw dead bodies, I deeply thought, "how cruel and what merciless deaths!" Dead bodies were dirty all over, looked like mercurochrome was sprinkled on( Red spots came out.), and had appearances which I couldn't find a word for. (I couldn't express them.)
The very impressive thing among what I saw in Urakami was what the Urakami Catholic Church was destroyed and burned down. The face of the Madonna was burned and festered as if it was caught in dark oil. Christians in Urakami were descendants of ancestors who had preserved their Christianity standing suffering persecution for more than 400 years. "There were almost ten thousands devoted Christians in Urakami in those days," I heard later.
Why did Americans who believed in same Christianity do such a thing, I wondered? I felt a different rage from what I felt for Hiroshima.