A man who suffered hideous burns was lying down. He was scorched black. His hair became frizzy. I tried to help a seriously wounded person and asked people around there to help me carry him. "Excuse me ma'am, please hold his legs...and you, can you hold his hands? I'm going to hold his head." I said to them. When I tried to hold his head, his head skin was peeled off.
On my way to school, I saw a hell. Many people were lying down on the street, saying, "Give me water! Give me water!" I was sometimes grabbed by the ankle as I walked past them.
I walked along the river. In the river, human bodies and animal carcasses were lying on top of one another. Humans and animal died at the same place. Dead pigs, cattle, and horses were lying on human's bodies. On top of them, human's bodies were piled up.
The most horrible and strange thing I had seen was that a man was dead on his feet. He was dead but still standing. Why could he keep standing in such a huge bomb-blast?
His tongue swelled and came out from his mouth like a bubble gum. His eyes were smashed and closed up.
I also saw a bridge was broken into two and someone was dead on its hands and knees on the parapet.
Some people say like this, "Describe what you saw at that time. Tell us your experience." but it's really difficult for me to do it.