The second floor of the factory was collapsed, and about 100 girls working there were crushed under it, crying like mad.  A fire broke out around there and started to spread.  I ran the engine of the water pump in full force and tried to water.  For about 10 minutes I kept the engine in full force.

I was in panic, and was all alone.  Besides that it was the bad quality of the oil, the engine burned out red and soon stopped.

A girl got her hand stuck in the "H-shaped" steel plate and couldn't move.  Although I felt pity for her, I mutilated her wrist and set her free.  I gave her the first-aid treatment and said to her, "Run away from here as soon as possible!"

A girl crushed under a collapsed building. Owning of Nagasaki atomic bomb museum  
Both the painter and the speaker are survivors.
