There were over thousands, ten thousands, millions of them. When you walked around for a long time to look for your relatives among a huge number of bodies all over as far as we can see, you would have no fear. I never felt fear to look at dead bodies.
Looking around, I saw many different bodies that were actually too cruel to see. Among them, there was the burned shape of the mother holing her baby in her arms.
At that time I had never felt fear, or been so scared that I couldn't sleep at night because of the sight of all these. I was alone in my house and when it got dark, the city was bright every night. That brightness was "the fire on which bodies were burning."
When I saw such a sight I wondered I could have had survived. I mean, the feeling of wonder, or, I would say, sadness and loneliness, they were beyond expression.
Human's life is "empty or vain," such feelings would well up to me and I would cry a lot.