A few days after the atomic bomb was dropped we couldn't hold dead bodies with our hands. We tried to wrap them in hemp cloth of coarse fiber and carry, but we couldn't.
The bodies slipped through our hands with their skin. Their legs had swollen and got thick.
Soldiers from YAMAGUCHI for help soon began to drag the bodies with a hook which we use to drag fishes and rice straw bags. We went to the headquarters of fire brigade and asked them to tell the soldiers not to use a hook, because it was so cruel.
The soldiers stopped using a hook while we watched them but they started using one again as soon as we left. It couldn't be helped as we couldn't hold the bodies with hands.
At last we used up wood for cremation of the bodies. A member of fire brigade who had a responsibility of disposal said to me "let me burry them." I can't tell you where they were buried, though.